When we joined our local Lions Club, Paul and I were hoping for opportunities to serve and give back to a community that has given us so much in the years we’ve lived here. And that is exactly what The Berlin Lions Club is about.
When the Lions heard about Joel Troyer they knew the community would want to lend a helping hand. Joel, a local five-year-old, was scalded over more than a third of his body when he fell into a pot of near-boiling broth in early April. To help with his medical expenses a free-will offering will be taken during the music at the upcoming Berlin Park event on June 29th. Please come and help us show love and support to Joel and his family.
The 2013 Art and Music Fest sponsored by The Berlin Lions, promises to be a fun-filled time with local artists and crafters (including wood carving by Joel’s family) opening at 10:00 AM. Local amateur pit masters will begin serving a mouth-watering variety of ribs from 11:00 till 2:00 and the public will decide the winner. Local musicians including David and Lee, Forever Young, Floyd Mullet and more, will be singing in the afternoon and early evening.
The Lions will serve BBQ burgers and dogs, beans, noodles, fruit and other tasty treats. Admission is free. Bring your own lawn chairs or blankets.